Congress Heights on the Rise

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This morning the unthinkable happened...I lost it

This morning I was multi-tasking while publishing some posts, and I accidentally deleted the content of CHotR.

Fifteen years of content just gone!

To anyone who writes, losing your entire cache of content is the absolute worst thing that can happen. Years ago, one of my best friends, a very popular Ward 8 blogger, accidentally lost his website's photos. We still talk about that in hushed and shocked tones.

So, to realize I may have lost all of my years of content instantly sent me to tears. I was freaking out. The ramifications of such a sudden loss were so terrifying and complete that I could not deal.

Thankfully, the customer service angels at Squarespace understood me between sobs and helped me restore my content. To say that I am relieved is an understatement. Congress Heights on the Rise is very dear to me, but I am particularly grateful today, so I want to spend the day counting my blessings (right after my hands stop shaking).

I will be back tomorrow.