Congress Heights on the Rise

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The east of the river HUSTLE

When people talk about communities east of the Anacostia River they are always quick to mention what we don't have, restaurants, amenities, dog parks, movie theaters, etc. And while it's true that life in Ward 7 and Ward 8 can be short on amenities one thing we have more than abundance of, HUSTLE.

Life lived east of the river incorporates tons of hustle and grind. Hustle to live, hustle to work, hustle for a quality education, hustle to make a difference, hustle to change the narrative, hustle to at the table, hustle to hustle another day.

Speaking for me I have several hustles/grinds: blogging, consulting, advocating, retail and general badassness. I am also a busybody in my spare time. 

If the struggle is real, the grind is necessary. Ward 7 and 8 residents have to hustle for just about everything. From housing, to jobs to even lunch. 

To take a spin on Ace Hood, "Closed mouths don't get fed on this (MLK) Boulevard."

I first came to DC in 1995 and nowhere is the hustle as strong in my community, particularly on the entrepreneurship front. Perhaps it's the people I run with but it feels like EVERYONE (and I mean everyone) is either a full-time entrepreneur or has a side-hustle. Side-hustles may pay in cash, credibility or commitment but believe everyone over here has one. Perhaps that is why we are such a passionate people and have so many internal squabbles. We literally and figuratively can't let anything go because we have had to fight for just about everything. 

So, for those of you out there who live in the 20020 or the 20032 stay on your grind and keep your hustle hand strong. For those making plans for our community and not including us, please know you are likely to have a fight on your hands. We hustle hard. 

And for those of you out there reading this post. What's your hustle?