Congress Heights on the Rise

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Studio DC Paid Internship for DC High School Students

Studio [DC] is a paid youth program where high school students will gain valuable hands-on experience working to explore design solutions to water quality issues. The program will engage up to 10 students, ages 16 - 18, over the course of 10 Saturday sessions. Students will become experts in issues effecting water quality in their neighborhood watershed. Throughout this interactive, design-focused program, students will showcase how design interventions can improve their local water systems for their families, neighbors, and friends. Unlike other labor-intensive youth programs that focus on construction and maintenance, this program will expose participants to design thinking, the design process, and future careers in design.  The multi-age, interdisciplinary program led by a team of design professionals, college students of design, and a variety of volunteer professionals will work with students to design a more sustainable city.  

The program will run from September 14th - November 23rd, 2019. Students are required to attend ALL 10 sessions. Students selected for Studio [DC] will receive a $50 stipend per session.

To be considered for Studio[DC], submit an application below. The team will review all applications, and finalists will be interviewed over the phone in late August. Students selected to participate will be notified no later than September 1st. Priority will be given to students of color or other marginalized people, who live or attend school in Wards 5 and 7. Everyone who applies will receive a response.

Partial funding for Studio[DC] is provided through a 2019 Community Stormwater Solutions Grant from the Department of Energy and Environment.