Congress Heights on the Rise

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Statement from Ward 8 nonprofit, ARCH Development

Arch Development the nonprofit in Historic Anacostia behind the Anacostia Arts Center, The HIVE 2.0 and Honfleur Gallery issued the following statement on June 4th, 2020:

The murder of George Floyd at the hands of the police has been a painful reminder of how prevalent violence against African Americans is in the United States.
We also realize that the great race-based economic, health and educational disparities within our country must be addressed.
We stand in solidarity with local organizations strategizing to inspire positive change in our communities.
It is not enough to just speak out against the racist sentiments that permeate our country. 
It is not sufficient to just say “BLACK LIVES MATTER”.
We must ACT on these realities facing our society.  
Furthermore, it is critical that, on a local level, the voices of the community be heard and acted upon.
We challenge all not only to protest and speak out but to invest in black initiatives, art, and businesses, especially in your neighborhoods.