Congress Heights on the Rise

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RESOURCE ALERT | About the Rapid Rehousing Program for Individuals

From the DC Department of Housing and Human Services website:

What is RRH-I? 

RRH-I is a short-term subsidy program that assists individuals experiencing homelessness find affordable permanent housing. 

What is provided? 

Up to 12 months of subsidy based on need, including:

  • Moving assistance, including first month’s rent and security deposit and bedding and household essentials 

  • Assistance with utilities 

  • Case management services that will partner with you to address your identified goals 

What is expected of clients? 

  • Connecting with your assigned case manager to discuss your service plan and goals at least 4 times a month 

  • Actively participate in your housing search 

  • Create and participant in your goal plan that will lead to housing stability 

  • Pay 30% of your monthly gross income towards housing payments 

  • Provide income verification 

  • Pay your portion of rent and utilities on time 

Why should you participate? 

You will receive assistance with the following: 

  • Locating affordable housing 

  • Moving costs, including: First month’s rent and security deposit 

  • Bedding and household essentials 

  • Identifying and accessing employment services 

  • Connecting to other community resources  

  • Budgeting for long-term financial support 

  • Support to assist you in meeting your identified goals 

  • No income maximum amount