Congress Heights on the Rise

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[PR] Food Resources for Seniors and Students

For Students

For Seniors

Other Food Resources

Thanks to our tireless agency, nonprofit, and local business partners, there are a range of services for DC residents who need food resources during the COVID-19 pandemic. We have created a map of these resources that will be updated each evening.

Please consider the following: 

  • If you have food at home, please stay home. DC Health is prioritizing social distancing and self-quarantine to limit the spread and impact of the coronavirus. Those who have food and other resources at home should use those resources first and maintain social distancing.

  • Consider home delivery. Currently, the District is providing home-delivered meals for seniors in need (see below). Many grocery stores and local farms also provide home delivery.

  • Seek out food if necessary. See the range of resources on this map. Notably, meals for children under 18 years old are provided at DCPS sites and charter school sites. Meals for seniors are being delivered to seniors in their homes. 

 If you’re providing a service not covered below, please email with:

  • Name of business/organization

  • Service being provided

  • Hours/location

  • Point of contact information