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[PR] Coronavirus Data for July 24, 2020

Saturday, July 25, 2020

(Washington, DC) The District’s reported data for Friday, July 24, 2020 includes 68 new positive coronavirus (COVID-19) cases, bringing the District’s overall positive case total to 11,717.

The District reported no additional COVID-19 related deaths.

Tragically, 581 District residents have lost their lives due to COVID-19.

Visit for interactive data dashboards or to download COVID-19 data.

The community spread chart is subject to fluctuation because the data is based on symptom onset date. As national demand for testing increases and results take longer to come back in DC and across the country, DC Health has identified a need to increase the reporting lag time by four days to reduce volatility in the data. The most recent data reflects an increase in community spread. To ensure this graph accurately reflects the most recent data, the community spread count is being paused as these adjustments are made.