Congress Heights on the Rise

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April 30 | Deadline to apply for Word, Beats and Life, Inc. PAID Creative Fellowship

This fellowship will recruit five creative leaders from the Hip Hop Community in the US through an open call and application process. The selected fellows will participate in a 9-month fellowship program that includes:

- A monthly Hip Hop informed, solution-based curriculum

- One-on-one coaching

- Financial support in developing a ‘creative solutions’ project 

- $10,000 stipend for each fellow

Fellows will work both collaboratively and individually in mutual learning sessions and on Creative Solutions projects. Fellows will also participate in the WBL Festival in November 2022 in Washington DC and present at Remixing the Art of Social Change, a virtual teach-in in March 2023.

The deadline to apply is April 30, 2022.

Learn more and apply!