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Jan 16 | Deadline to apply for Urban Journalism Workshop for DC Area High School Students

As an Urban Journalism Workshop (UJW) participant, you learn from current and former working journalists, build your body of journalistic work, connect with other possible future professional journalists and if you’re an eligible senior, apply for the George E. Curry scholarship. Some UJW alumni now work or have previously worked for New York Times, ESPN, Siruis/XM and local TV network affiliates.

Each year, the Washington Association of Black Journalists offers this training program for Washington-area high school students.  Applications are now being accepted for Winter/Spring 2022 until Sunday 16 January 2022.  The program runs March-May with a certificate ceremony in June. 

Accepted students are immersed in the fundamentals of journalism over eight consecutive Saturdays. Skills are acquired and or reinforced in print/digital, radio, video/television and social media.

Who’s eligible
All high school students in DC and suburban Maryland and Virginia are encouraged to apply. There are no application or program fees.

The application deadline is January 16, 2022.

Learn more!