Congress Heights on the Rise

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🏆 Oct 29 | Open Mic Night at Busboys and Poets Anacostia hosted by Matt Capone

Tue, October 29, 2019
8:00 PM – 10:00 PM EDT

Tickets purchased in store are cash ONLY - $5

Poetry at Anacostia Open Mic! A Busboys and Poetry Event For two hours audiences can expect a diverse chorus of voices and a vast array of professional spoken word performers, open mic rookies, musicians whom are all thought leaders and artists local to our scene, and beyond

.Tonight's Tuesday Night at Ana Host: Matt Capone

Southeast, DC native, Matt Capone began writing poetry at the young age of 7. Being a natural, he performed in his first open mic at 10 years old. Poetry became life for him 2 years ago. Not only has he performed his poetry here in Washington DC, but also in Philly, New York, and Baltimore.

Featuring: Brea Brea

Brea Brea wrote her first poem on the walls of her mother's womb. Calligraphy that she had no time to recover, as her exit became abrupt. After her arrival, the world made her forget her true purpose. Brea spent most of her life in pursuit for her passion. She tried dance, but ballet moved too slow. She used paint for expression, and her mother as her muse. Each marking left on her mother's abdomen told stories of sacrifice and truth. Brea began to recollect those stories and piece together those words she once wrote to become a modern-day orator. Sharing her stories from stage to stage.

Spotlight artist: Marley

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A Busboys and Poetry event!   For two hours, audiences can expect a diverse chorus of voices and a vast array of professional spoken word performers, open mic rookies, musicians and a different host every week. Expect to be moved, expect a packed house, expect the unexpected, but above all come with an open mind and ear.