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Mayor Bowser seeks Director of DC Office of Human Rights

👩🏽‍💻EDITOR’S NOTE: It’s no secret that The Advoc8te recently (and publicly) called for the removal of the former Director of OHR, so this job posting is welcome news. This is a great opportunity for the right individual to enact some real reform and progress within a government agency responsible for protecting the civil rights of DC residents. Please spread the word about this opening.

Open: January 25, 2020
Close:  Open until filled
Director - Office of Human Rights


The District of Columbia Office of Human Rights (OHR) was established to eradicate discrimination, increase equal opportunity and protect human rights for persons who live in or visit the District of Columbia. The agency enforces local and federal human rights laws, including the DC Human Rights Act, by providing a legal process to those who believe they have been discriminated against. OHR proactively enforces human rights in the District through Director’s Inquiries, which allow it to identify and investigate practices and policies that may be discriminatory. In addition, the agency  oversees implementation of the Language Access Programs and Citywide Youth Bully Prevention Program.  To learn more about OHR, please visit here.


  • Serves as Director ofthe Office of Human Rights.

  • Exercises overall executive leadership direction and control of the Office.

  • Coordinates the activities of the various organizational entities and is responsible for the organizational structure.

  • Systematically identifies and eliminates discriminatory practices in private employment, housing and public accommodations in the District of Columbia.

  • Enforces the EEO regulations and Affirmative Action Plan of the D.C Government in accordance with appropriate Commission Orders.

  • Issues such orders, regulations or guidelines, including a District-wide action plan, as are appropriate to ensure the effectiveness of the program. Reviews and evaluates District Government and departmental equal employment opportunity program operations on a quarterly and annual basis. 

  • Reports to the Mayor-Commission as appropriate on the progress on equal employment matters in the District Government.

  • Directs the monitoring of all D.C. Government contracts to ensure that contractors' employment practices are in accord with the equal employment law and that minority contractors are afforded an opportunity to receive such contracts.

  • Plans, organizes, directs and controls through an Associate Director, the Office of Administrator, which provides multiple support services to the Department.

  • Issues appropriate orders, regulations or guidelines as deemed necessary to ensure the effectiveness of the EEO program. Reviews and evaluates D.C. Government and departmental equal employment opportunity program operations on a quarterly and annual basis. Reports to the Mayor as appropriate on the progress of equal opportunity matters in the District of Columbia.

  • Plans. organizes, directs, and controls through supervisors, attorneys and judges, which drives the daily operation of the Office.