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March 5 | Testimony needed for Performance Oversight Hearing on the DC Office of Human Rights

The DC Office of Human Rights needs
a new advocate - YOU!

Next Friday, March 4th at 12 pm The Advoc8te encourages DC residents to watch the performance oversight hearing for the DC Office of Human Rights, better still, I encourage you to signup to testify. The hearing will be led by At-Large Councilmember Robert White, Chair of the Committee on Facilities and Government Operations. Hold the government accountable for services and resources for you and your family. Did you know if you filed a case with the OHR it would most likely take YEARS before your case was resolved - if you were even allowed to file in the first place? I would know, I first reached out to OHR in 2018 and nearly three years later, my sexual harassment and retaliation case still hasn’t been resolved and I’m not unique. Thousands of DC residents who have suffered discrimination, ageism, retaliation, sexual harassment, housing discrimination, and more have been left holding the bag due to the many problems at the DC Office of Human Rights. The complaints have been many and go back many years.

A little backstory: The former OHR Director, Monica Palacio, who was in charge during much of the agency’s dysfunction resigned in January 2020 to run for an At-Large Council seat. And while the Director’s position had been advertised for nearly a year — no one was ever hired (strange in a city with so many civil rights attorneys like the District). Instead, Mayor Bowser opted to nominate Ms. Palacio to return to the role at an agency where she clearly did not excel. And as such, Ms. Palacio is currently serving as the Acting Director of OHR pending council confirmation.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. So try as I might, I fail to see the logic (or practicality) of reappointing someone for this role who can’t even acknowledge there are problems. For years, civil rights attorneys, advocacy groups, former employees, and members of the public have testified about the many problems at OHR. Unfortunately nothing substantial or lasting ever came from their testimony and OHR was allowed to continue to languish. The good news, there is a new Chair of the Committee on Facilities and Government Operations. At-Large Councilmember Robert White has replaced Brandon Todd who lost his bid for re-election last year. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that there will finally be some proactive and immediate action taken to fix what is currently a broken system.

If we want to be serious about protecting the civil rights of District residents and combatting systemic racism, homophobia and sexism it starts with accountability and transparency — not window dressing. So if you can, take some time and sign up to testify at OHR’s oversight hearing and demand new leadership, better resources, and finally some accountability for the District’s most vulnerable residents. You never know, the next victim could be you.

Email at least 48 hours before the start of the hearing if you want to testify. The hearings will be held virtually via Zoom. Public witnesses will have four minutes and ANC members will have five minutes to testify.

- The Advoc8te

Friday, March 05, 2021 @ 12:00 pm

The Committee on Government Operations & Facilities will hold a Performance Oversight Hearing.

The following agencies will testify:

  • Office of Risk Management

  • Office of Human Rights

  • Commission for Human Rights

  • Advisory Committee on Street Harassment


– On the Council site, at
– On the OCTFME site, at
– On TV, usually Channel 13