Congress Heights on the Rise

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March 1 | Deadline to sign up to testify at the Performance Oversight Hearing for DOES

Having problems getting your dc unemployment benefits?

Sign up to be a live witness (via Zoom or phone) at the DC Council's Committee on Labor and Workforce Development hearing on Wed. March 3, 2021, at 10am. The subject is the 2020-2021 performance of the Department of Employment Services and Workforce Investment Council. The deadline to sign up as a witness is Monday, March 1 at 5pm. SIGN UP TO TESTIFY HERE!

  • The hearing will be chaired by At-Large Councilmember Elissa Silverman

  • Wednesday, March 3, 2021, 10am-3pm, Department of Employment Services and Workforce Investment Council (public witnesses only)

  • Friday, March 5, 2021, 9am-6pm, Department of Employment Services (government witnesses only)

See all details in full notice at

Submitting Testimony:

  • Written testimony: Email

  • For individuals testifying live, please submit written testimony by noon on the day before the hearing.

  • Voicemail testimony: (202) 455-0153

  • All testimony received will be made part of the official record. Email testimony to

  • Hearing Record: Will close four business days after the hearing.