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July 31 | Nikole Hannah-Jones : Busboys and Friends! Zoom Dinner

Busboys and Poets has always been a place for artists, activists, and writers of the community to gather and break bread. And while we may be physically distant right now, we can still stay connected and break bread together.

Join us on Zoom for Busboys and Friends: A Virtual Dinner Party held every Friday night at 6 pm. Hosted by CEO and Founder, Andy Shallal with a special dinner guest each week.

Order your favorite meal and beverage from Busboys and Poets, set your table, and tune in for a special dinner with some of the most influential leaders of our time.

This week's very special dinner guest is the Founder of the landmark 1619 Project, Nikole Hannah-Jones

Nikole Hannah-Jones is an award-winning investigative reporter who covers civil rights and racial injustice for the New York Times Magazine.  Nikole got hooked on journalism when she joined her high school newspaper and began writing about students like her, who were bused across town as part of a voluntary school desegregation program.  

Her heroes are the race beat reporters such as Ida B Wells, Ethel Payne, Simeon Booker and Claude Sitton, whose fearless coverage helped move this nation closer to its promise.

Prior to joining The New York Times, Nikole worked as an investigative reporter at ProPublica in New York City, where she spent three years chronicling the way official policy created and maintains segregation in housing and schools.  Before that, she reported for the largest daily newspaper in the Pacific Northwest, The Oregonian in Portland, Ore., where she covered numerous beats, including demographics the census, and county government. 

Nikole started her journalism career covering the majority-Black Durham Public Schools for The News & Observer in Raleigh, N.C. During her three years there, she wrote extensively on issues of race, class, school resegregation, and equity.  Nikole is a native Iowan, a child produced by the hopes of both the Great Migration and those who migrated from foreign shores.  She has also lived in Indiana, Georgia, North Carolina and Oregon.  Now she is Bed-Stuy fly in Brooklyn. 

FREE, RSVP via Eventbrite to receive the Zoom link.