Congress Heights on the Rise

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🏆 July 30 | Tonight's Little Salon in Anacostia is going to be EPIC! Get your tickets!

👩🏽‍💻 If The Advoc8te hadn’t already agreed to participate in tonight’s Kojo in Your Community event I would TOTALLY be at the Little Salon event. I’ve attended two Little Salon events before and it was a GREAT time! That the performances take place in someone’s private home makes it all the more cool. And for $20 it’s a steal and a half! If you are free tonight, go! — The Advco8te

Little Salon 48 is slated for Tuesday, July 30 at a cool and cozy townhouse in Anacostia. And we're ready to heat things up, beginning at 7pm with a pop-up art exhibition by Nicolette Gordon and vegan culinary samples from the kitchen at ELife Restaurant in the Anacostia Arts Center. Feature performances include a theatrical excerpt from LadyM by The Welders, spoken word poetry by Slli'm Williams, and indie rock by THYGUI.

This will be an intimate salon with limited tickets, so grab yours early — and then let's get creative together, huh?