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July 15 | Extended Deadline for MOAA’s African Community Grant

The Mayor’s Office on African Affairs (MOAA) is soliciting grant applications from qualified Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) serving the District’s African constituents for its FY23 African Community Grant. The African Community Grant is intended to fund programs that provide culturally and linguistically targeted services and resources to advance the District’s African residents community. 

Funding priority areas identified for FY23 are aligned with Mayor Bowser’s administration budget priorities:

  • Education

  • Jobs & Economic Development

  • Public Safety

  • Civic Engagement

  • Health & Wellness

  • Youth Engagement

  • Arts & Creative Economy

  • COVID-19 Recovery

The deadline for MOAA's African Community Grant is 5:00pm on Friday, July 15, 2020.

Submission Details: Online submissions only. Please submit your complete application through the following online portal: ZoomGrants

Availability of RFA: Download from the Mayor's Office on Community Affairs website and/or the District's Grant Clearinghouse website.

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