Congress Heights on the Rise

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JOB ALERT | Outreach and Volunteer Coordinator - $50k to $60k

We Are Family has been serving low-income, isolated older residents of the Shaw, Columbia Heights, Petworth, and Adams Morgan neighborhoods of Washington, DC since 2004.

The Outreach & Volunteer Coordinator position will build on We Are Family’s long history of bringing seniors and our volunteers together. The Coordinator will reach out to our elderly neighbors to learn more about their needs and how We Are Family or other partner agencies can help meet those needs. The Coordinator will also work closely with We Are Family volunteers to match them with appropriate opportunities to support our seniors, while ensuring the elders’ gifts are being put to use as well. 

Daily duties will involve both phone and in-person communications with seniors, including going out into the communities we serve to meet with them and identify their needs. The Coordinator will also communicate with and coordinate volunteers by phone, email, and in-person. The Coordinator will provide guidance and orientation to our volunteers and provide support to volunteers. The Coordinator may also work with other staff members to help carry out our grocery delivery program.

Learn more and apply!