Congress Heights on the Rise

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🌟 Honfleur Gallery's New Artist-in-Residence Program featuring JaySun [SP]

Honfleur Gallery is delighted to announce the launch of its new Artist-in-Residence program.

This annual program will be a vital realization of the vision of the late Sharon Hughes Gautier to provide artists with the necessities of time and funding to create their work.

This program is a melding of Honfleur’s ongoing commitment to artists that live and work east of the Anacostia River in Washington DC and it brings Sharon’s passion for art and her appreciation of a community that is so incredibly rich with history and creative talent. This residence comes with both specific project funding and a monthly stipend. Funding for this residency is provided by Sharon’s family.

The first recipient will be JaySun, a multi-talented artist who grew up and currently lives in Anacostia and uses theater, music, comedy, storytelling and film to communicate with his audiences. He seeks to better the world by sharing thoughts, ideas and theories through various art forms.

Project funding will go towards the production of a film “Life: On The Rocks" written by JaySun. This film depicts how life-long residents of the District of Columbia are feeling the brunt of police brutality and gentrification and how “adjustments” have to be made to survive in a city that is pushing the local residents out of their own communities.