Congress Heights on the Rise

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The Advoc8te's New Year's Resolutions

Starting in 2020 I am going to remember to hit “Save” when I’m in the process of writing these editorials! Just imagine that there was something heartfelt and meaningful in this space (there was). 😂

The idea of rewriting all of that again gives me heartburn so here are the cliff notes:

  • 25 years ago I moved to DC.

  • 13 years ago I moved to Ward 8.

  • 12 years ago Teddy adopted me and I can’t imagine life without him.

  • 12 years ago Congress Heights on the Rise published its first post.

  • 2019 was a great year full of change including the sale of my Congress Heights condo and my move west of the river to a rental.

  • I turn 43 on Friday, January 3rd and I am really excited about what the next year and decade will bring!!!!

  • I am so very thankful for you my readers, neighbors, colleagues, family, and friends.

  • 2020 will be our best year yet! I can feel it!


  • Take better care of myself. Three surgeries down and one more to go! Yippee!

  • Relish every moment I get to spend with Teddy (and stop feeding him so many treats)!

  • Write more editorials and do more video posts!

  • Tell the story behind why after three years I left Building Bridges Across the River at THEARC in 2018. I hope my story will help other women (especially women of color) dealing with similar issues in the workplace. I always knew I was going to tell my story but I had to do it on my time and in my way. Everyone has the right to feel heard, to feel valued and most importantly, to feel safe. I’ve advocated for a lot of progress and change in the community but sometimes even The Advoc8te needs an advocate! In my case, it came in the form of a very capable civil rights attorney, a compassionate therapist and supportive allies. If the #MeToo movement has shown us anything; it’s that we as a nation have a long way to go in establishing equal rights and equal protections for women, therefore, it’s important for us to stand up and demand change. I hope my story will inspire and educate others. Stay tuned.

  • Stop and smell the roses more often!

  • Take that trip to Europe!

  • Acknowledge I can’t cook and just accept it for what it is. God made UberEats for a reason. 😂

  • Find new and creative ways to highlight the many things I love about Ward 7 and Ward 8 including my awesome reSPIN clients who make my work so rewarding and enjoyable and my friends and (former) neighbors who I wouldn’t trade for anything in the world!

  • Secure my CompTIA A+, Network + and Security+ certifications in the next 90 days. Who knew I had an affinity for information technology?

  • Hit the “Save” button when writing CHotR editorials!

  • Save more in general! Retirement isn’t that far off!

  • Roll out some new Southeast Love swag!

  • Expand my small business.

  • Don’t take anything for granted. My blessings are many and for that, I am so very thankful!