Congress Heights on the Rise

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GoFundMe for Victim of Car Destroyed by Metro Bus Passenger

Asia Webb, a 28 yr old, DC Resident and single mom of two children, Lauren Wallace and Lucas Fleming, who is special needs and high risk with asthma and unable to utilize public transportation.  The children’s father is deceased due to gun violence.  

She is such a wonderful mother, and despite her shortcomings, she continues to stay determined on reaching her goals no matter the length of time or difficulty.  She is currently experiencing a rough patch due to no fault of her own that has completely impacted her and her children in a way that will basically cripple her efforts thus far. 

On September 15th at approximately 6:00 pm, Asia was victimized by a complete stranger who seemed to be on some type of narcotics when he jumped off of the top of a Metro bus onto the top of Asia’s car which was parked on 23rd Street SE, Washington, DC. Due to this incident, her car was completely totaled!  

Asia was so excited to save and purchase this vehicle with cash, less than 5 months ago.  She already struggles with raising the kids by herself, and now a job she just got 3 months ago is at risk because now she has no reliable transportation to get there. In addition to getting to work every day (her job is on V Street NE), she has to drop the kids off to her mother in Hyattsville, MD every morning for virtual learning.

Unfortunately, Metro has denied her claim, and her car only had Liability insurance as she couldn’t afford full coverage at the time of purchase.  She receives no other income from any other source. 

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