Congress Heights on the Rise

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🐕FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE! Jack and Snezkha need a forever home!

Jack and Snezkha are 14 years old and 8 months old and adorable!

Snezkha and I were born in Moscow, Russia, about 14 years ago. Snezkha (she pronounces it Shnezkha - it means "Snowflake") is the pretty one, with her thick white coat, husky growl, and mysterious allure (sort of like Lauren Bacall). I'm more the strong, silent type. I keep an eye on Shnez and help her feel calm. At heart, I'm just a regular dog, although quite handsome. 

In Moscow we were always kept in a canine orphanage, so we didn't have much contact with people or other dogs, and we were uncomfortable around others. Nobody understood us and they thought we preferred to keep to ourselves.

At the beginning of 2019, a nice person in Moscow arranged for us to come to Washington, D.C. There, we found ourselves in a well-maintained shelter, where we met lots of good people. At the end of June, we went to our foster home in Silver Spring.  

We like going outdoors, taking walks, and running around, and we usually prefer going out together. Our foster parent has an enclosed backyard. Snezkha likes to explore and sometimes disappears in the growth of bushes and shrubs. I prefer to take it easy, walking around and digging in the dirt. 

After staying in the shelter and living in a foster home, I find that I like people, getting petted, and spending time with them. Snezkha is still a bit shy, but she is warming up to our foster dad, and even likes to climb on his bed. Sometimes she will retreat from sharp noises. 

Snezkha is not a fan of other dogs, and the two of us would not do well in a home with other animals. Because Snezkha and I have always lived together, we are comfortable together, and the shelter says that we will stay together in our forever home. (You can adopt the both of us for the price of one!)

If you'd like more information or would like to meet us, contact As an added bonus, if you're over 50, Jack's adoption fee is waived as part of the Boomer's Buddies program! Standard adoption procedures apply.

Before submitting an adoption questionnaire, you will need to meet the dog in person. After submitting your questionnaire, you will then undergo counseling to make sure that you and the dog are a good fit. After you are approved to adopt the animal, you are then cleared to take your dog home! There are some instances in which you won't immediately be able to bring your dog home, such as if he or she needs to be neutered or spayed, or if you require a dog introduction with your current pet.

To learn more about our adoption process, please visit How to Adopt.