Congress Heights on the Rise

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FREE ART CLASSES | Registration now open for Project Create's Virtual Spring 2021 Semester

If you know any kids or youth who would be interested in signing up for these free classes please see the link listed below. Each class is 10 weeks with a virtual student showcase at the end. Project Create will provide all necessary supplies and equipment.


We're offering the following classes this year:

Elementary Classes

Play, Escape, Laugh: Intro to Improv Theater w/ Washington Improv Theater

Experimental Art w/Katie Macyshyn

Movement Fundamentals in Performing Arts w/ Morgan Hall

Middle School Classes

Express Yourself: Introduction to mixed media w/ Melissa Muttiah

Snap N’ Post: Introduction to mobile photography w/ Aaron Hernandez

Teens & Young Adults

Awesome Abstraction w/ Joshua Minor

Music, Lyrics, and Life & Recording 101 w/ Dennis Tyrelle Turner

Music Video Academy w/ Aaron Hernandez

Teen & Young Adult Social Hour w/ Evie Tobias