Congress Heights on the Rise

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Feb 19 | Don't Mute Mo Book Tour Kick Off at Busboys and Poets Anacostia

The newly released book DON’T MUTE MOE is a call to action by Ronald “Moe” Moten, based on the author’s three decades of changing lives, empowering Black youth and families, and making communities safer for “his people” in his beloved Washington, D.C.

Moe had more than two dozen op-eds published in the Washington Post, the Washington Times, and other media outlets between 2006 and 2021. Ronald’s new book is a selection of 16 of those op-eds that have stunning relevance today. Each op-ed is paired with an in-depth interview conducted by journalist Jeffrey Anderson, who has been both a critic and a supporter of Moe’s activities over the years.

The interviews by Mr. Anderson are remarkable and disturbing in their depiction of current social issues plaguing Black urban youth, families, and communities. In the words of one reviewer, "'Don’t Mute Moe' is an incremental uncovering of the steps Moe has taken to ensure the Black community in D.C. isn’t just a fond memory for future generations. He is actively putting the pieces in place for Black D.C. to grow with the city and not be pushed out or 'MUTED.' [The book] illuminates how [Moten], an activist fighting for equity and economic development (among other things), has taken on the responsibility of answering this question, not just for himself, but for the entire community."

Moe and Jeffrey will be joined by Andy Shallal on the Busboys stage for a celebration event and discussion of their new release. This event is free and open to all. Our program begins at 5:00 pm, and will be followed by an audience Q&A. DON’T MUTE MOE will be available for purchase before and during the event. Please note that this event will NOT be livestreamed.