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DDOT Deploying Automated Traffic Enforcement Cameras to New Locations

Thursday, September 1, 2022

(Washington, DC) — Today, the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) announced the planned deployment of automated traffic enforcement cameras to new locations throughout the District. The camera locations are traffic sites where data analysis has identified speeding and stop sign running as safety issues.

Once Photo Enforced signs are installed in the direction of travel, a 30-day educational phase will start for each camera deployment. During this period, violators will receive warning citations. After the 30-day warning period, DDOT will begin issuing notices of infraction with fines that will range from $100 to $500 based on excess of the speed limit to violators.

For more information about automated camera safety enforcement locations, please follow the link:

DDOT encourages drivers to register for the District's Ticket Alert Service (TAS). To learn more about TAS, visit