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Dangerous Speech Project seeks Communications Consultant - $24,000

The Dangerous Speech Project (DSP) is a research team that works to counter dangerous speech and the violence it can catalyze, through original ideas, research and policy work. Dangerous speech is “any form of expression (speech, text, or images) that can increase the risk that its audience will condone or participate in violence against members of another group.” 

We seek a consultant experienced in nonprofit/research communications to provide strategic communications support for the DSP. We produce original content including reports, op-eds, and articles, and we need help making sure they get into the hands and brains of those who can best use them. 

We require support in the following areas: 

  • Establishing and implementing strategies for effective, creative dissemination of our new publications. 

  • Improving our approach to earned media, monitoring news outlets and social media for mentions of the DSP and key staff, and amplifying relevant media coverage. 

  • Creating engaging and relevant content for the DSP’s social media accounts, to maintain an active presence and build authentic followers. 

  • Posting material to the DSP website, including reports, blog posts, and news articles 

  • Providing regular reports on social media and website engagement, and identifying and implementing strategies for improvement.