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[PR] Councilmember Vincent C. Gray ’s Statement Opposing the Proposed Location of CORE DC’s Halfway House

January 27, 2020 

“We are Unalterably Opposed!” 

Washington, D.C. - Recently, CORE DC, LLC sent an updated bid offer to provide a 300-bed Residential Reentry Center “halfway house” and home confinement services for male federal offenders. Subsequently, Ward 7 Councilmember Vincent C. Gray wrote a letter to the Director of the Federal Bureau of Prisons, Dr. Kathleen Hawk Sawyer, expressing his unequivocal opposition to the potential location of this 300-bed Residential Reentry Center in a major Ward 7 commercial corridor. This site is at the heart of a major retail development where the Cedar Realty Trust has embarked on the complete modernization of the East River Park Shopping Center. Moreover, this effort is adjacent to Senator Square, which was recently purchased by Cedar Realty. Both land parcels are in an “Opportunity Zone.” 

The Opportunity Zones program is a new federal community development program designed to urge and support long-term investments in low-income urban and rural communities nationwide. Furthermore, Councilmember Gray underscored how East River Park is included in a bill he spearheaded to bring additional grocery stores and restaurant amenities to this area. 

While Councilmember Gray is a staunch supporter of returning citizens and services to support reentry into their communities, he and Ward 7 residents have expressed deep concerns about the harmful effects of placing a facility of this size, in a prime commercial area. In the coming weeks, Councilmember Gray will meet with federal and District officials to discuss these concerns and the adverse impact this would have on the 70,000 people who live in Ward 7 and who envision this area as a long-awaited site for economic development. Accordingly, Councilmember Gray released the following statement opposing the location of the  proposed 300-bed halfway house: 

“Siting a 300-bed halfway house next to this critical development will sound a death knell for this effort which Ward 7 residents have been vigorously and enthusiastically pursuing. This is undesirable and inconsistent with the needs and vision for this area of Ward 7. Surely, the federal government cannot have the intent of killing the hopes and goals of those who have worked so hard to bring desperately needed development to fruition,”said Councilmember Gray. 

“Furthermore, while I am a supporter of returning citizens, I have also heard from some of our returning citizens that constructing a facility of this size is inhumane. They likened it to a concentration camp. The harmful effects for returning citizens being housed in this manner and at this location cannot be over emphasized ,” Gray continued. 

“To reiterate my unwavering position and that of so many Ward 7 residents, ANCs, civic leaders and our returning citizens, we are unalterably opposed! I am calling on all Ward 7 residents, stakeholders, and leaders to stand with us and express your opposition by calling CORE DC, LLC at (718) 791-3460 and the Federal Bureau of Prisons at (202) 307-3198, to voice opposition to the proposed siting of this facility at 3701 Benning Road NE,”Gray concluded.