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Coalition to Stop Gun Violence seeks a Paid Summer Intern

The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV), and its sister organization, the Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence (EFSGV), are among the nation’s oldest gun violence prevention organizations. Through policy development, research translation, advocacy, community engagement, and effective training, we pursue evidence-based solutions to reduce gun death and injury in all its forms. 


·     Perform basic administrative duties;

·     Perform research and summarize findings;

·     Summarize federal and state bills relating to gun-violence reduction and police reform;

·     Compile weekly summaries on top gun violence prevention news stories in priority issue areas (domestic violence, suicide, impacted communities);

·     Assist with creating and maintaining resources, fact sheets, memos, etc. and analyze new research related to gun violence prevention; and

·     Assist with virtual meeting/event coordination.


High School Diploma, Completion of one year of college;

Mission driven;

Strong written and oral communication skills;

Ability to work independently; and

Experience with Microsoft Office Suite.