Congress Heights on the Rise

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🐾 ADOPT ME - Coconut the dog

I'm in a FOSTER HOME! If you want to meet me, you the process by completing BOTH of the following steps:
1. Click on the pink "Adopt me" button to submit an adoption inquiry
2. Email my foster parent at to set up a time to virtually meet me.

Coconut is a sweet gentle dog. She walks nicely on her leash, so nicely in fact that a woman in a parked car called us over and asked about her. Coconut approached her in a very friendly way, without any hesitation. She is also enjoying playing with her dog foster brother. (Full disclosure: Coconut will pull a little on the leash, in a very manageable way, when she sees a cat or a squirrel so she would probably not do well in a home that had other small animals.) Coconut enjoys all the typical doggie things - morning walks, playing with toys, snoozing on the couch, and her evening frozen pumpkin and peanut butter dessert. Coconut loves rolling around in the grass, but she is also happy snoozing on the couch. She has a good energy level when it is time to play but does not seem to need super long walks.

Coconut is so gentle, she let her foster mother go into her mouth and remove a chicken bone she had snagged off the ground. Coconut wants to sit near her foster mother on the couch and, while she would be very happy to sleep in bed with her humans, when she is told "no" she respects the boundary. So far, the only boundary Coconut seems to ignore is having any limits on sharing her sweetness with anyone, dog or human, that she meets. Her open heart is an inspiration. She is waiting to share all her love with you - are you ready to open your heart to her?

To learn more or meet Coconut, please email, and please check out her IG account @coconut_finds_furever