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A Wider Circle seeks Director of Marketing and Communications

A Wider Circle has experienced significant growth in the past year, including opening a new center in our nation’s capital and developing large-scale partnerships with those we serve and those who are engaged in poverty eradication work. We are also developing an interactive roadmap for poverty eradication in the country. The individual in this position will be responsible for promoting and sharing this regionally and nationally.

The Director of Marketing and Communications will work closely with our founder and President, coordinating presentations and media connections that will elevate the organization and the movement. You will be one of the key team members sharing A Wider Circle’s story, promoting our work, and propelling the movement to end poverty with swiftness and urgency.

As we move through 2019, our sights are set on greater expansion of current programs and launching the national plan referenced above, as well as bringing greater workforce development opportunities locally to those in underserved communities.

The conditions faced by those in poverty have not changed at nearly the proportion of the expenditure in this country on programs and services addressing it. There has been a significant output for a modest outcome, and we are working hard to help change that.

The Director of Marketing and Communications will be a major voice of A Wider Circle in communications with outside stakeholders and the public at-large.  We are looking for someone with the energy and enthusiasm to propel the movement to end poverty and bring people across all sectors into our work.  The Director of Marketing and Communications will cultivate public media relations and write press releases to create an awareness of programming, events, and poverty-related issues.  Other key components of this position include assisting with website oversight, social media presence, and the development of effective marketing and promotional materials.

Poverty is a national humanitarian crisis, and we look for team members who bring a high level of urgency to the work – and who see this as more than just a job.