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$1,950,000 available for eligible Drizly drivers as a result of tip-theft investigation


Drivers Who Made Deliveries from District Alcohol Retail Stores Between January 1, 2019 - November 14, 2022 May Qualify for Payments

WASHINGTON, DC – Attorney General Brian L. Schwalb today announced that Drizly delivery drivers who delivered orders from any retail store located in the District of Columbia between January 1, 2019, through November 14, 2022, may be eligible to receive money from a $1.95 million settlement pool created as a result of the Office of the Attorney General’s (OAG) investigation into Drizly’s failure to ensure tips collected through its platform were paid to delivery drivers. Eligible drivers will receive $6.75 for each Drizly delivery they made from a DC-based retail store. 

Drivers who believe they are eligible should submit a settlement claims form at Claims must be submitted by July 9, 2023.

“As a result of the Office of the Attorney General’s investigation into Drizly’s failure to ensure drivers received the tips they were entitled to, nearly $2 million is now available for Drizly drivers who were taken advantage of,” said AG Schwalb. “We encourage eligible Drizly workers to fill out the claims form by July 9, 2023 to ensure they get their hard-earned money.”

Drivers may be eligible to receive money from the settlement fund if they:

  • Delivered at least one order placed through Drizly for a retail store located in the District of Columbia between January 1, 2019, and November 14, 2022; and

  • Did not own or partially own the store from which they delivered orders.

Eligible drivers will receive a payment of $6.75 for each delivery they made within the eligibility period. While some eligible drivers may have received a notice through the mail or via email, OAG encourages all drivers who believe they qualify to fill out the online settlement claims form.

The claims form asks drivers to list all stores for which they delivered orders placed through Drizly within the eligibility period. For each store, claimants should indicate what dates they worked for the store. The form also asks for a “Notice ID,” which claimants may have received in the mail or by e-mail. Even if drivers did not receive a Notice ID, they should still submit a claim and can follow the instructions on the claims website to request a Notice ID from the claims administrator.

If drivers have additional questions about the claims administration process, they should contact the claims administrator at

Background on OAG’s Settlement with Drizly

As part of a November 2022 settlement agreement with OAG, Drizly agreed to pay $1.95 million to workers who delivered goods ordered through its platform from January 1, 2019, through November 14, 2022, to resolve allegations that it failed to ensure delivery drivers received tips left by DC consumers and failed to pay required taxes. Under the terms of the settlement, Drizly is further required to pay $3.2 million in unpaid taxes and interest, release any claims to the $465,833 in taxes it paid to the District during the course of OAG’s investigation, and pay $750,000 to cover OAG’s investigation costs. The settlement is being administered by a third-party claims administrator, AB Data.

Additional details on OAG’s investigation of and settlement with Drizly are available here.

How to Report Workers’ Rights Violations
Workers who believe that their rights have been violated, or that they have experienced wage theft or other wage and hour violations, can contact OAG by calling (202) 442-9828 or emailing or