Congress Heights on the Rise

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DC Department of Public Works gets and A+ from me this week!

A few days ago I came home to find that the alleys around my Congress Heights home were transformed! Gone was the trash, glass and broken furniture that often times finds itself relocated to dark alley corners. My unit overlooks my alley so when it is an a poor state it really is an eyesore. Worse still is when broken glass poses a hazard to the cars that drive down the alley and to the people who use it as a shortcut. 

So that said, I was really excited to see DC Department of Public Works staff on the scene and cleaning up the alleys. Ms. Salley and her colleague were working hard and it showed! Not only were they cleaning the alleys but they were taking notes, talking to residents and doing all they could to go that extra mile. It was inspiring to see them take such pride in their work. As a member of the general public, I know that we can give city employees a hard time but I think it is important to give them their accolades when they are due. As residents we are not always the most thoughtful when it comes to how our actions effect the people around us. I'm thinking specifically of the family across the alley who consistently throws their trash in the alley without a care (or a can) in the world. 

We are the village. So that said, I really appreciate the clean alley program and the DC Department of Public Works employees who make it a reality every day. Your hard work is much appreciated and I hope that DPW knows how valuable you are.