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Anacostia Arts Center call for theater company proposals

Anacostia Arts Center is offering residencies for small theatre companies to produce high quality performances while nurturing the creation of new, innovative, and experimental work.

Theatre companies may apply to become an Anacostia Arts Center Resident Theatre company. This agreement allows theatre companies to run their full season (up to three productions) in the Black Box Theatre with no rental cost. The company will be given a total of $2000 to offset production costs and will receive 4 weeks in the performance space. Each production will have a 70/30 Ticket Share agreement with the Anacostia Arts Center.
Theatre companies may apply to have one performance be co-presented by the Anacostia Arts Center. This agreement allows theatre companies to run one production over a 4-week period in the Black Box Theatre. Anacostia Arts Center will work with the company on a 50/50 Ticket Share agreement. There is no stipend associated with this level of incubation.

Companies and individuals may apply for a limited engagement at the Anacostia Arts Center Black Box Theatre. This engagement may be 1-3 days in length. Anacostia Arts Center will work with the company on a 50/50 Ticket Share agreement. There is no stipend associated with this level of incubation.

Companies and individuals may apply to do a workshop presentation of NEW WORK at the Anacostia Arts Center Black Box Theatre. This presentation may be 1 day in length. The company or individual will receive $500 to develop the piece and agrees to use the Anacostia Arts Center to fully house the world premier of any fully produced performance of the new work. The Center will work with the company on a 50/50 Ticket Share agreement.