Congress Heights on the Rise

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Most Epic Alternative to Valentine's Day: The Black Love Experience

It's taken me a solid week to wrap my mind around the creative awesome that was the 4th annual Black Love Experience hosted by Nubian Hueman at the Anacostia Arts Center. These type of innovative, commUNITY focused and all around boss as hell events are what raises the bar for what people say east of the river/black folks is expecting and capable of achieving. 

It was the most important of all things -- it was relevant!

You could have taken The Black Love Experience and put it anywhere west of the river and it would have still been the coolest thing around for blocks. It was just that good which would explain why there was a line a block long and it was packed! Another sold out event! 

The BLE encapsulated perfectly the intersection of Black pride, style, creativity, badassness and female power. There were more small business owners doing their thing than you could have shaken a stick at. It was the perfect illustration of what WE can do and on our terms. It was the perfect response to the "we need to be saved" mentality that at times can be so frustrating. She (Anika Hobbs) did that so WE could all do that. 

And that is one love affair I would be more than happy to return to again. 

And on that note, check out my snaps from the event. Apologies in advance but it is hard to take photos when you are having an epic time! 

And a big thumbs up to my former ARCH squad and forever friends for another job well done! I love you guys!