Congress Heights on the Rise

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On June 14th I'm voting David Garber for At-Large City Council!

After nearly a decade of blog posts, community events and more #SoutheastLove stops than you can shake a stick at, it should come as no surprise that I am supporting David Garber, former Ward 8 resident and blogger on his bid for the DC Council At-Large seat. 

Not just because David is one of my closest friends but because he has always been right there with me in the trenches when it comes to advocating for east of the river issues. David has been there in the hard times, the lean times and the times when I was frustrated with the slow progress being made for our community. David inspired me with his blog, And Now, Anacostia which was the inspiration behind starting this blog. Not many people know this but I made the decision to move to Congress Heights after reading David's blog. He made me see that all corners of the District had beauty if only you looked. I think how different my life may be today if I hadn't typed "Anacostia" into my search engine in 2007. 

David in 2013 displaying his design skills.
I can't tell you long we debated the SoutheastLove font.

I've known about David's commitment to the city at large for a very long time. Running for office wasn't an easy or overnight decision for him. He's been working toward this for at least five years.  All he has wanted to do is serve and be of service. And because I have had the pleasure of being there with him back when I was closer to thirty than forty I know his heart and his mind is in the right place. 

This community advocacy stuff can be hard work. The hours are long and the pay is nonexistent which is why I tip my hat -- and click my mouse -- for those who put themselves out there. David has always put himself out there. From his "Santa Costia" Christmas parties to working with small businesses in Anacostia with the storefront improvement project. When David took an abandoned and blighted property in Anacostia and renovated it so that later it could become a home he did it with passion and great responsibility. He has made his mark on his community in so many ways and for that I am so very proud of him. 

David  knows the importance of community revitalization while
respecting historic character.

Now I always say I don't do political endorsements, I feel that everyone should do their research and vote with their heart. But in this case I felt I would be remiss to not share what many of you already know -- I am supporting David Garber. Perhaps my endorsement won't come with a cover page announcement, or won't be broadcast on the news or even mean much of anything but it means a lot to me because it comes from my heart, and my heart is always with what I think is best for our community. It's the best I have to offer -- my love and support. 

Our first #SoutheastLove stop.

So if you are so inclined, I encourage you to place your vote for David Garber for At-Large  and take our #SoutheastLove all the way to the council! 

Nikki Peele
AKA The Advoc8te

Best Friends Forever!