Congress Heights on the Rise

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Upcoming THEARC Farm Community Workshops

THEARC FARM is an urban farm operating as a community project of Building Bridges Across the River (BBAR) and developed to involve our community in nature, nutrition, and healthy eating.

The farm consists of 25 raised beds, 8 in ground rows, a culinary herb garden, medicinal herb garden, an eighteen-tree orchard, community compost bins, a hoop house and a pollinator garden. During the summer and fall months, THEARC’s farm provides affordable, organic fruits and vegetables the community through our CSA program, as well as educational programming, field trips, volunteer opportunities, tours and community events.

Our mission at THEARC Farm is To make a positive impact upon the culture, health and environment of Wards 7 and 8, by providing the community with opportunities to access healthy affordable food, high quality education and participate in growing and harvesting our crops. Through our CSA program, field trips, volunteer opportunities and educational enrichment programs for THEARC partners, we hope to assist, educate and empower the community to make healthy food choices, be stewards of the land and ultimately learn how to incorporate gardening and sustainability into their daily lives.

Building Bridges Across the River is the 501-c-3 nonprofit organization that built and now runs THEARC. The mission of Building Bridges Across the River is to improve the quality of life for children and adults who reside east of the Anacostia River by providing leadership, management and financial oversight of the Town Hall Education Arts Recreation Campus (THEARC). Through a collaboration of partner organizations, THEARC provides access to high quality educational, health, cultural, recreation, and social service programs. By providing these programs, BBAR and its partners aim to contribute to the revitalization of the community in southeastern Washington.