Congress Heights on the Rise

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Learn from my mistake! Get a flu shot ASAP!

Hello Readers -- 

The Advoc8te likes to think she is a smart, practical person but every year without fail she procrastinates on getting the flu shot and every year without fail she regrets it. Two Fridays ago I was supposed to stop by Grubbs Southeast and get a flu shot, I put it off and you guessed it -- three days later I had fallen victim to the dreaded flu. Is there anything worse than the flu?! 

So that explains my absence here the past week. Apologies for not coming through on the east of the river news but sister girl was whipped! So while I am still under the weather (and contagious) I will do my best to bring you (and myself) up to speed on what is going on in wards 7 and 8.

But if you get any good advice from my blog let it be GET A FLU SHOT TODAY! Better still get your flu shot from Grubbs Southeast in Anacostia -- shop local! And stay healthy in the process! 

-The Advoc8te