Congress Heights on the Rise

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Tell the truth -- shame the devil! What is being kept secret now?

When I was first starting Congress Heights on the Rise I remember how difficult it was to get information on certain things in the community --- namely financial records or find out who was benefiting from this or that deal. I've always been a huge supporter of transparency. My motto has always been, "if it doesn't feel right then just don't do it." I figure as long as I maintain my integrity and follow my instincts my character will remain intact.

So that got me to thinking about all the many things that are going on in Ward 8 today. Some good, some great and some...let's say are a little questionable. A culture of secrecy keeps us sick and at a time when we need to be at our strongest we can't afford to sit back silently. 

So today I want to drag out my little soap box and give some of my readers an opportunity to say a few things about issues that are effecting them personally. And if there are some things you think others should know then feel free to share -- anonymously if it makes you feel most comfortable. 

That being said, I am making a space here for folks to share information but I am doing so without vetting the contents of their comments or endorsing them. As the editor of this blog I am merely inviting my readers to do what they normally do -- comment. This time I am just inviting them to comment on topics or address issue that they feel need to be addressed. 

So if you are so inspired leave a comment here on this post -- you never know who may be reading and perhaps the ball can begin to roll on your issue or complaint. Maybe you have something positive to say about someone or some group that is doing great work in the community and could use some attention. 

Regardless, take a moment and speak up -- and out -- about something that is important to you. 

Have a great day! 

The Advoc8te