Congress Heights on the Rise

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WashPo | Anacostia’s burgeoning potential catches the attention of home buyers

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Kamara-Taylor is among a growing number of new and soon-to-be homeowners betting big on Congress Heights and its east-of-the-river neighbor Anacostia. Now, for the first time in many years, several encouraging signs of revival are beginning to emerge there. 
Last year, a time when much of the region’s housing market remained in the doldrums, the Anacostia/Hillcrest Zip code of 20020 experienced one of the biggest gains in median home price in the Washington region, according to Rockville-based multiple-listing service MRIS. It ranked No. 1 in the District and No. 5 in the region. Throughout Anacostia and Congress Heights, sales were up, development was up, days on the market were down, crime was down. 
Bidding wars even played out on many blocks. 
“What’s the next area that will boom?” said Kamara-Taylor, 32, who works in finance at a D.C. nonprofit organization. 
“A lot of areas in D.C. are gentrifying,” he added. “I’d like to get in on the cusp of the bubble and buy now before it’s too late.”