Congress Heights on the Rise

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Small Nonprofit Transformation Initiative for Ward 7 and Ward 8 Nonprofits

Good afternoon, 501cTECH Partners!

The third cycle of our Small Nonprofit Transformation Initiative (SNTI) is now underway.  If your nonprofit partners  serve DC’s Wards 7 and 8,  have an  operating budget under $1M, and are in need of a  technology transformation, then encourage them to  apply for this incredible program.

Three nonprofits will be selected to receive a strategic assessment, key project implementation, and one year of technology support.  Please see attached for additional details and let me know if you have any questions.  Application closes  February 17th!

Many thanks,

Abigail Goliber Director of Development and Outreach   | 501cTECH | Empowering Nonprofits through Technology
2001 S Street, NW Suite 630 Washington, DC 20009  |P:  202 234 9670 x 115| F: 202 234 9672

View our NEW  video   to learn  about how we are building the capacity of Washington area nonprofits and visit   our website at   501cTECH   to learn more about us .