Congress Heights on the Rise

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Feb 5 | Black Broadway on U @ THEARC Theater

The Black Broadway On U: Transmedia Project (cross-platform) sheds light on the under-told story of African American life within Washington, D.C.’s U Street and Shaw community corridors once known as “Black Broadway.” The Black Broadway era (early 1910s to late 1950s) was D.C.’s cultural renaissance before, during and after the Harlem Renaissance. The project will connect today’s audiences with the historical and hidden contributions of this African American community’s iconic entertainers, educators, activists, intellectuals, musicians, culturalists and society, as well as their impact on Black America and U.S. History.

Thursday, February 5, 2015 @ 1:00pm
Cost: $5

Go HERE to purchase tickets.

Sponsored by: WC Smith, THEARC Theater and Black Broadway on U Transmedia project

*Please note: 10:30 AM show sold out*

BLACK BROADWAY ON U: ECHOES OF AN ERA from Shellée M. Haynesworth on Vimeo.

There was a time when D.C.'s U Street corridor was known as "Black Broadway" and being there meant being somebody. Many voices from this African American community live on and long to tell this story...Virginia Ali (Founder/Owner, world-famous Ben's Chili Bowl), Patricia Mitchell, (EVP, Industrial Bank) and Chip Ellis (Developer, The Howard Theatre), among others.