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Duane Gautier named a 2014 'Washingtonian of the Year' for his work in Anacostia!

Read all about it! Duane (and his dog Arielle)
in the January 2015 issue of
Washingtonian Magazine
Washingtonian magazine has selected nine people for this year's 'Washingtonian of the Year' award for their work making a better Washington DC. I am so proud of my colleague, friend, and mentor Duane Gautier, CEO of ARCH  Development Corporation (a Ward 8 nonprofit) for making this list. I've worked with Duane for nearly five years now and this honor was long overdue. Despite being so very committed to the revitalization of Anacostia and working quietly and diligently behind the scenes for nearly 30 years he doesn't make a big fuss about his personal contribution to the community. I can't tell you how many times Duane has personally invested his time, money, and resources to bring revitalization to Anacostia -- and then told us as his staff not to mention it! He always wants the focus to remain on Anacostia, he seems himself as just doing his job, but those of us who know  him know it is more than that. The Anacostia Arts Center, The HIVE 2.0, Honfleur Gallery, Vivid Solutions Gallery and NURISH Food and Drink and the Anacostia Playhouse wouldn't be here today without Duane's vision and his hard work.  My company, reSPIN wouldn't be here without him -- he supported my first project and gave me advice on how to get my business off the ground. Duane has been the best mentor I could ever hope for and I thank God for him all the time. He is a wonderful, caring person who always wants to the best for others. He is so committed to a thriving, vibrant Anacostia, he is so passionate about ARCH's mission that he will (and has) climbed mountains to make it happen.

Duane has dedicated so much time mentoring and supporting small businesses and organizations in Anacostia that it would take a lifetime to track his impact, he never turns anyone away.  Duane's goal for ARCH Development Corporation is simple: building a vibrant and community-friendly Anacostia and making a home for the arts. Duane hates the spotlight and hates getting credit (which is why I am sure this post is sure to embarrass him!). This is why him getting this distinction, 'Washingtonian of the Year' is so special, and frankly long overdue. There are many people, businesses and organizations in and around Anacostia who know how much he is committed to the community and could attest to his work. I am so glad that some organization finally took some time to honor him for it. This honor for Duane means so much more to me personally than when I made the cover of the Washington City Paper cover last month.  This is so special because of the person who is receiving it. 

So when you get a chance, go out and pick up the January 2015 copy of Washingtonian Magazine and learn what makes Duane Gautier, CEO of ARCH Development Corporation, a 2014 'Washingtonian of the Year"! 

We salute you Duane! 

The Advoc8te