Congress Heights on the Rise

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Consider making a tax-deductable donation to ARCH Development Corporation this holiday season.

Any amount of support helps! ARCH Development Corporation is a nonprofit organization that has been in Anacostia for nearly thirty years. Your tax deductable donation helps to support arts and culture programming, small business support, and projects such as: 

Anacostia Arts Center
The HIVE 2.0
Honfleur Gallery
Vivid Solutions Gallery
East of the River Distinguished Artist Award
and lots more!

Go HERE to make a tax deductible contribution today. 
No amount is too small! Help ADC bring revitalization to Anacostia one project, one event, one small business at a time! If you have attended one of the many free events we've held this year feel encouraged to support more with a small contribution. 

Make a donation and tweet it with the #IheARTanacostia hashtag! Thanks guys!