Congress Heights on the Rise

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Markus Batchelor wants your vote for ANC 8C04

The following is an open letter written by Markus Batchelor, candidate for Advisory Neighborhood Commission single member district 8C04. The Advoc8te has extended an invitation to all ANC challengers to write an open letter outlining their campaign and platform for posting here. Are you an ANC challenger? Send your letter (along with a photo) to Please note that posting of these open letters does not constitute an endorsement by The Advoc8te or Congress Heights on the Rise. 

Markus Batchelor, candidate for SMD 8C04
Dear Residents of Congress Heights,

​My name is Markus Batchelor. I am 21 years old, a third generation Washingtonian and a life-long resident of Congress Heights. I'm proud to be running to be your representative in Single Member District 8C04. I'm running to bring a unique perspective and unyielding leadership to our Advisory Neighborhood Commission. We need that now, more than ever in our community.

Ward 8 is in a unique period of transition and that's most apparent in ANC 8C. With the new development on the St. Elizabeth's campus, near Congress Heights Metro, and in Barry Farm, our community is seeing the most drastic change it's seen in generations. We need representatives on our Advisory Neighborhood Commission dedicated to our residents and fighting every day to make sure we are a part of the conversation and have a seat at the table.

I was born and raised by a single mother here in 8C04. So many opportunities came my way because of the love I got from those who live and work here. As someone who grew up in this community and wants to make this my home as I finish college, I'm blessed to have the memory of what our community was and the foresight to see all of what she can be. Since I was 15, I've been involved in this community in so many ways and have had the opportunity to learn the issues and advocate for best practices. I want to see our community prosper and become a resource for everyone who has worked so hard to build it up through the good and bad.

​Just as I did as President of the Ward Eight Democrats and a member of the Ward 8 Redistricting Task Force, ​I'll fighting for common-sense solutions to our toughest issues and work to build up the community - the collectivity we need to get things done.

I'm going to be a fierce advocate for responsiveness as your Commissioner. So often, our community gets the short end of the stick when it comes to essential services and responsiveness by our elected leadership. I pledge to be a community-oriented Commissioner; one that's accessible, dependable, and present. We need a Commissioner ready to engage and mobilize our residents behind the issues we care about the most. I'm ready to go to every doorstep and on every block of our district to make sure you're getting what you deserve and that I'm representing you the best I can.

​I constantly make it clear that change doesn't happen because of one election or one leader, at any level of government. The only way we can produce lasting change in our community is if we come together, have the tough conversations, and tackle the tough issues.

As I've done for the past four months, I'll continue to walk our blocks, sit on your porches and stoops, and have the conversations that matter. Then, we'll work collectively - as a community - to set an agenda and chart progress.
I'm asking for your vote on Tuesday and I can't wait to begin the work of using this small office to make big impact in Congress Heights.

Markus Batchelor

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Twitter: @MarkusBatchelor​