Congress Heights on the Rise

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WCP | ANC Member Calls in U.S. Attorney After Auditor’s Report

Go HERE to read the full audit for ANC 8B. 

Go HERE to read the full Washington City Paper article.

But the most serious allegations in the audit focus on how ANC members spent the organization's funds. The audit found $13,293.91 worth of improper payments from the ANC's bank account. Even finding out about the financial irregularities was difficult, though. After new ANC members took over in 2013, previous members refused to hand over financial records, according to the audit.  
Perhaps the most intriguing part of the audit focuses on two checks signed by ANC members  Darrell Gaston and  J.B. Shoatz, worth a combined $2,150, including an $1,800 check to someone with the same last name as Shoatz. One of the members' signatures also appears on the back of the check, as if they were also endorsing the check. The auditor writes that the double signatures "[make] it difficult to determine exactly what happened in these situations.”  
Green, now the ANC's treasurer, is less circumspect.
"Why does the signature on the back look like they’re cashing it?” Green says.