Congress Heights on the Rise

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ANC 8C Commissioner Mary Cuthbert on video pushing a resident at a community meeting.

Full Disclosure: In September 2009, Commissioner Mary Cuthbert threatened to physically assault me, I wrote about the exchange HERE. And another time (during a public ANC 8C meeting) Commissioner Cuthbert forcefully ripped an ANC agenda from my hand in front of a room of people. Over the years Commissioner Cuthbert has been very vocal about her dislike of The Advoc8te and my many attempts at sharing ANC 8C information on this blog. I am sharing this information today as it is public news and has relevancy to the residents of Ward 8. In fairness I wanted to be sure to disclose our history.

Go HERE to read the full Washington Post article that broke the story and included the video that is posted below.

The meeting was held at the Eagle Academy on Wheeler Road in Southeast, and the argument involved discussion over planned mixed-use housing project called the “Wheeler Renaissance Development.”
Yingst said that Karlene Armstead, an ANC member from 8E, which covers Douglas, parts of Washington Highlands and Congress Heights. walked out in an attempt to disrupt a quorum and prevent a vote from taking place.
Cuthbert objected. The video shows her leaving her seat and briskly walking toward a door. Johnson then intervenes. The police report says Johnson “abruptly stopped in front of [Cuthbert] and put his hands behind his back and then leaned forward.” Cuthbert “then lightly pushed [Johnson,’ the report says. Cuthbert can be heard on the video yelling several profanities at Johnson and Armstead.
This is not the first time Commissioner Cuthbert has been caught on tape being inappropriate. There was the incident in August 2011 where Commissioner Cuthbert was caught on tape calling an ANC candidate the "N" word.