Congress Heights on the Rise

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What makes you mad as hell?

Sounds like a crazy title for a blog post right?

The Advoc8te is asking people to dig deep, speak honestly, and get to the heart of what you see are problems being experienced in wards 7 and 8 (this is an east of the river blog afterall).

What is making you mad as hell?
  • Lack of development?
  • Nuisance Neighbors?
  • Crime?
  • Politics?
  • Transporation?
  • Blight?
  • Litter?
  • Lack of dog parks?
  • Declining real estate values?
  • The oversaturation of social service providers?
  • Government inefficiency?
  • Child abuse?
  • Economic Development?
  • Poverty Pimps?

What is giving you cause for concern-- or flat out pissing you off?

Don't be afraid -- feel free to comment anonymously. No one (including me) will know who you are. 

The point of this exercise? Let's take the problems out of the dark and into the light in hopes that we can solve them. If nothing else, it should give you an opportunity to vent and perhaps in the process find that you aren't alone in your thoughts.