Congress Heights on the Rise

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Pictures from AfterDark@THEARC 2014

Another year, another blast at THEARC's annual gala! Last Saturday I had the pleasure of attending THEARC's annual gala. Everything about this event makes it the social and fundraising event of the year! Special guests included Mayor Vincent Gray and Councilmember David Grosso and his lovely wife Serra (she's amazing!). Over eleven partner organizations make THEARC one of the best community organizations in the city. Stay tuned for more to come! THEARC is expanding! Follow my live tweets at #thearcgala to learn more!

Oh, and Fantasia performed! It was amazing! The Advoc8te had such a blast and took so many pictures I overwelmed my little iPhone, it died before half the event was over! 

Big hugs to THEARC team including Executive Director Edmund Fleet and Janet Stone for putting on another amazing event and for working so hard to provide so many services to so many east of the river families! Their efforts are appreciated! #SoutheastLove forever! 

To stay in the loop in all that happens at THEARC including their programs and partners follow them on Twitter at @THEARC_DC