Congress Heights on the Rise

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Public Notice: DCDSC Members to Fill Two Vacancies and Elect Officers on Thursday, August 7

Public Notice:

This is give public notice that at the next DCDSC meeting on  Thursday, August 7, at  7:00 p.m. the State Committee Members will be conducting two important elections.  The meeting will take place in room 120 of the John A. Wilson building at 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW.

The DCDSC Members will fill two vacancies for Alternate National Committeewoman and At-Large Male Committeeman (flier attached).  Those who are elected will fill the remaining unexpired terms of those elected at the April 1, 2014 Primary Election.  The positions are open to any female and male Democrats registered in the District of Columbia. 

To qualify candidates:
  • Must legally reside in the District of Columbia;
  • Must be registered as a Democrat with the D.C. Board of Elections by July 6, 2014; 
  • Must complete and submit a "Declaration of Candidacy" form (attached) no later than 5:00 p.m. on July 31, 2014; and
  • Submit electronically a general statement of qualifications of 50 words or less no later than 5:00  p.m. on July 31, 2014.

That election will be followed by the DCDSC Annual Meeting to be chaired by National Committeeman Arrington Dixon for the purpose of electing officers for the 2014 - 2016 term.  Nominations for officers -- chairman, vice chairman, recording secretary, treasurer, and corresponding secretary -- will be taken from the floor at the meeting.  There is no requirement for candidates to declare their candidacy for the position of DCDSC officer.   The officers will be elected by the DCDSC membership only. 

Candidates to fill the two At-Large positions will be elected prior to the election of officers.