Congress Heights on the Rise

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In Pictures | Yelp! 10th Anniversary Party @ Anacostia Arts Center

What an amazing turnout! Over 1200 people came out to Anacostia on a Sunday to attend this event! There was a line all the way down Good Hope Rd waiting to get in! Anyway you slice it, people coming to Anacostia (many for the first time) is a very good thing. That amount of foot traffic was a big economic boost for the small businesses in the Anacostia Arts Center and surrounding area. There are a lot of wonderful things in Ward 8 and it is about time that more DC residents realize that! This event was free but attendees were encouraged to make a donation to the Anacostia Arts Center.

A big "thank you" to the entire Yelp! team who set up this free event, the vendors who donated their time and goods, and of course to my colleagues at ARCH who volunteered our spaces and came in on their day off and worked the event.  Go team!

Including some pictures below: