Congress Heights on the Rise

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Where are the apartment complexes WITHOUT income restrictions?

If you are a single person earning $60k or more per year where can you rent in Ward 8?

Last week two single professionals reached out and expressed a sincere interest in moving to (or back) to Ward 8. While that was a good thing (they would have made great Ward 8 residents) it came with a challenge. Neither person could find a Ward 8 apartment complex that met their needs (see below) that didn't have an income cap or some other income restriction. There were a few (and I mean a few) properties they were interested in but without dependents their salaries (modest by regional standards) priced them out. I've addressed this issue before in a prior post about Ward 8's need for some market rate (or mixed income) rental properties.

So if you can, please put your thinking caps on and give some recommendations for some suitable rental properties -- without income caps -- that fit these requirements:

  • In walking distance of public transportation (either metro, bus or Bikeshare)
  • Parking 
  • Close proximity to a grocery store/gym/cleaners
  • Relatively new or recently renovated
  • Safe (with the understanding that "safe" is subjective)
  • Accepts dogs

Of course, considering the current condo market in Ward 8 it is possible to sublet but for the purpose of this exercise please limit your suggestions to apartment complexes. Curious to know if Ward 8's  inventory for "market rate" rentals is adequate (if existent at all).

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